
De-Icing Solutions > Salt Brine

Salt Brine

Product Details

When using or making salt brine, the saturation is an incredibly important factor. The eutectic point of brine means it is saturated to the point with the lowest possible freezing temperature. This point is comprised of 2.28 pounds of salt per gallon of water or 23.3% saturation. If 23.3% is good, isn’t a higher percentage better? Contrary to this logic, this is not the case. Increasing the saturation of brine to 26.5% would actually increase the freezing temperature to 32º F, the same as water. This demonstrates that getting to the correct salinity level of 23.3% is very important.

Whether you’re just getting started, looking to supplement your brine making operations or just don’t have the infrastructure to support brine making, don’t worry! We offer a ready-made salt brine solution to suit your individual needs. We have been supplying individual contractors and municipalities with small quantities to bulk tanker deliveries. Pickup and delivery available.


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